As a small business owner there are always tasks that need to be completed. Let me help you with some of the most time consuming of these tasks so that you can channel your energy and expertise into the most critical areas of your business. Here are just a few of the things I can help you with:


  • Website maintenance

  • Travel organisation

  • Content repurposing

  • Research and meeting preparation

  • Proofreading

  • Audio and video editing


A virtual assistant can help entrepreneurs with Website maintenance, Travel organisation, Content repurposing, Research and meeting preparation, Proofreading, and Audio and video editing

Website Maintenance:

Your website is the digital face of your business, and it needs to be continuously maintained and updated to stay fresh. This can require making minor changes to text or images, updating a page’s layout, scheduling back-ups, or monitoring security plugins. I can carry out a range of website maintenance tasks, including updating website content, monitoring website traffic, and monitoring any technical issues to ensure that the website is up to date and running smoothly.

Travel Organisation:

Business travel can be stressful and time-consuming for entrepreneurs who have to manage every detail, such as booking flights, accommodation, transport, scheduling meetings, and managing expenses. I can provide a helping hand by organising these travel logistics so that your trip goes smoothly.

Content Repurposing:

You most probably produce a significant amount of content to promote your business, such as blog posts, social media updates and video content. However, most of this content may not be fully utilised. I can help repurpose content and give it a new life, increasing its reach and effectiveness. This involves identifying the most successful previous content, repackaging it, and sharing it on different platforms or in new formats such as social media posts and email newsletters.

Research and Meeting Preparation:

For your meetings to run smoothly, research and preparation must be conducted beforehand, but you may not always have time to thoroughly research a particular topic or project. I can assist you by undertaking research and presenting you with the most important findings in order to save you time. I can also prepare supporting documents for your meetings.


Even the most skilled writer can miss small errors. I can help you with proofreading and copyediting tasks, ensuring that all written content is polished and free of mistakes.

Video and Audio Editing:

You may already have a podcast or YouTube channel to promote your business. I can help you to save time by editing audio recordings or video content, and then uploading them to the relevant platforms. I can also add captions, write show notes and produce social media posts to promote the episodes.

Streamline your workload and let me help you focus your time and energy into what really matters for your business. Book your FREE 30 minute discovery call to see how I can help you to manage your workload. The services listed on this page are not exhaustive, and if you have another task that you need help with, please get in touch to see if I can either assist you with it or refer you to another suitable VA.




If you require one or more of these services frequently, then get in touch and I’ll provide you with a custom proposal. Otherwise you may prefer the flexibility of paying for my services on an ad hoc basis. My hourly rate is £32 per hour, which starts with just a one-hour commitment and is then charged in 15-minute increments using time-tracking software. This option is flexible and there are no monthly commitments.




If your business has consistent support needs, one of my retainer options may be a better option. You can purchase a block of support hours to utilise my services on a monthly basis. These are paid in advance and provide you with predictability and guaranteed support, as your tasks will be prioritised and my time will be reserved for you. I will let you know when you are approaching the end of your purchased hours, and you will have the option to buy a new retainer or have me continue your work on an ad hoc basis. Please note that plan hours cannot be carried forward into the next month.

UK virtual assistant hourly and retainer prices

Ready to get started? Book your FREE 30 minute discovery call, or get in touch to discuss one of my services

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